Let's calculate how much 2 weeks (10 working days) will cost for a manager. Recall from the last part that his salary is 300,000 rubles.
Salary per day = 300,000÷21 = 14,286 RUB
Salary per 2 weeks = 14 286×10 = 142,860 RUB
142,860 RUB is going to be our preparation cost (later, PC)
Let's substitute:
Cost of training with preparation=
39,762+142,860+100,000=282,622 RUB
for 145,478 RUB more (= 282,622-137,144)
Let's substitute:
Cost of training with preparation=
39,762+14,286=54,048 RUB
Feel free to try these formulas on your case!